Mission and vision

Our mission is to achieve satisfaction by supplying consumers with products of excellent quality, starting domestic production of construction products, ensuring continuity in the assortment, all in order to fully satisfy our customers. Our vision is to be a synonym for a company that constantly sets more standards in the field of trade, production, and in the field of customer relations and new trends, training its employees in the footsteps of the coming times.

The following are the values for which the company ALMY is a reliable and trustworthy partner:

Permanent adoption of new knowledge and improvement of expertise enable the company Almy to provide its customers and partners with the products and services based on the leading European standards.

Top-quality work is the only genuine guarantee for success. On long-term basis it derives the additional value for the users, employees and owners. We do our best to do each work in the company ALMY in accordance with the highest standards of quality and best practices.

Team spirit:
Unifying individual qualities we achieve much better results than we would have achieved working as a group of individuals. Team work spirit in the company ALMY enables each employee to fully express their personal and professional potentials.

Customer care:
All activities of the company ALMY are focused on our main objective and it is the satisfaction of the customers. Close relationship with a customer, understanding and meeting their needs is the priority of each employee.

The company ALMY fulfils all the undertaken obligations not only to the customers but also mutually to each other within the company. We do our best to meet the deadlines to the customers and to the business partners. We continually improve the standards of quality of our products and services.

We do our daily duties and fulfil our obligations conscientiously and with top quality. Our serious and responsible approach to each single job is aimed to improve the results and the work environment.